Team PARI
    We Can, We're able to
    Meeting with
    Children and Parents
  • No Poverty & Zero Hunger
    Increased Women Participation
    in Vegetables Market System
  • Youth Empowerment
    Youth Empowerment:
    Community Youth Club Meeting
  • COVID-19 Response
    COVID-19 Response:
    Food & Hygiene Kit Distribution
  • COVID-19 Response
    COVID-19 Response:
    Masks for distributing farmers
    during Corona pandemic time
  • COVID-19 Response
    COVID-19 Response:
    Forum members distributing masks
    in the community people
  • Gender Equity
    Day Observation:
    International Women's Day


In 1986, the organization "SWOSHIKA" (Swonirvarata O Shikkhya Karjakram) began in Jamalpur District as a project of the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC). In 1998, SWOSHIKA took on a new name, PARI (Participatory Action for Rural Innovation). In this same year PARI expanded its activities to another district, Netrokona. In Bengali "PARI" means "I can", "we can" or "we are able to". This word reflects the positive attitudes and self-confidence of the people who work with PARI. PARI is a Christian faith-based organization that carries Christian values through its development programs.

In 2000, PARI Development Trust was created with the involvement of different professionals: a lawyer, a doctor, an educator, a businessperson and a development expert. This team fully and legally oversees all operations of the PARI program. This Trust meets quarterly to review PARI’s progress and to give necessary advice and guidance to the Programs Management Team (PMT). PARI Development Trust was proud to obtain registration as a national NGO from the NGO Affairs Bureau of the government of Bangladesh on February 18, 2003.

We Work With

Head Office
  • Address: Block #A (4th Floor) Elite House,
    24 Baghmara Road, Mymensingh
  • Phone: +880 91 67548
  • Email: info@pari.org.bd
  • Saturday - Thursday: 08:30 am - 05:00 pm
    Friday - Friday: Closed
Write to us

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